West Hartford Acupuncture and Avon Acupuncture help people achieve maximum health and vitality, without the use of pharmaceutical or surgical interventions. We use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) including acupuncture and herbal medicine to restore balance.
Our board certified, licensed team is 100% committed to our patients. We pride ourselves on our ability to utilize our extensive knowledge of TCM to get to the root of each person’s health concerns.
We understand that finances can be a major factor in deciding to pursue natural medicine treatment and strive to get our patients covered to the maximum extent their insurance allows. We are committed to providing health equity and offer a safe space for treatment to all people.
Schedule an Appointment
WE ARE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS IN BOTH LOCATIONS. Call 860-503-3676 to book your initial visit!
Our online booking feature is available for established acupuncture patients ONLY. Please call our office to book your initial appointment or if you haven’t been seen in 1+ year.
Dr. Jill Kleiber
Bob Robles, L.Ac
Acupuncture induces a strong anti-inflammatory response in the body and increases blood flow to compromised tissues, muscles, joints, and organs. Studies show that the body also releases endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine in response to acupuncture. This accounts for the relaxation and stress-relieving effects of the treatments. In essence, acupuncture stimulates the body to heal itself.